Yugantar Bharati

Paryawaran Panchayat

Urgencies and exigencies of economic development dominate policy making and decision making. Immediate gains carry high political and economic rewards, even when the development activity may degrade the renewable base.

For some reason or other, long-term perspective of economic development which largely draws upon the natural resources and environment is either missing altogether or whenever planned it has not shown sufficient concern for maintaining natural system and environmental quality. In some cases, deterioration in environmental quality is viewed as a necessary cost of repaid economic growth. In this background Yugantar Bharati moto idea to organize Paryavaran Panchyat at Sidroul Namkom Ranchi. Ranchi will endeavour to improve upon the present system of developmental planning and management policies pertaining to all kinds of resources, such as land, water, energy and human, with appropriate attention to Maintenance of the natural systems comprising the renewable resources and environmental, quality-the air, water, land-scape and eco-systems with their plants and animals.

Paryawaran Panchayat- 2013 is a congregation of the environmental activists and enlightened gentry across the state of Jharkhand to deliberate upon the state of Environment and Natural Resources in Jharkhand and to do the needful for protection of environment and augmentation of the natural resources in the context of sustainable development.

The contemporary manifold developmental activities are making disastrous adverse impact on environment and ecology and are unscrupulously eating away our precious natural resources both renewable and non-renewable. Yugantar Bharati in course of its noble environmental initiatives in last one decade has experienced and encountered several such situations in which adherence of the proviso of concerned rules and regulations by the industrial and mining establishments has shown remarkable improvement in the local state of environment and has arrested degeneration of natural resources.

We are of the firm opinion that schemes of development and conservation of environment and natural resources are not always mutually exclusive. Mode of management of economic activities with fair intention to respect the law of land may effectively minimise the losses to environment, ecology and natural resources to great extent. Role of the entrepreneurs and managers of big and small enterprises as well as alertness of the environmental activists and enlightened gentry needs to be meaningfully discussed for the sake of betterment of posterity and with a view to evolve a pro-people policy for sustainable economic development and integrated management of resources and environment.

The first Paryavaran Panchyat was organized on Dec 19, 2010 at Morabadi Maidan Ranchi.

About us

Yugantar Bharati is a voluntary organization registered under Societies Registration Act-XII, 1860 as NGO. It is also incorporated U/S 12A, 80G & 35 AC of the Income Tax Act. We are the pioneer organisation in the field of Conservation of Natural Resources, Protection of Environment, Control of Pollution, Preservation of Biodiversity and Wildlife etc., in the state of Jharkhand. [ Read More.. ]

Contact us

Post Box No. 32
Namkom Post Office
Ranchi, Jharkhand - 834010


+91 9835195617

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