Swarnrekha Mahotsav

Subarnarekha Mahotsava is organized at the origin point of river, i.e., Ranichuwa, Nagri, 14 Km from Ranchi. The tradition of observing festival at the point of origin of Subarnarekha is very old. Previously it used to be a five day affair but now it is restricted to a three days affair. Subarnarekha Mahotsava has got a new dimension to the old tradition observed at Nagri. On the day of Makar Sankranti (14th January), a massive congregation of people take place. Along the river banks, Yugantar Bharati organizes river worshiping, collective resolution is taken to save the river Cultural programmes, Seminars and Exhibitions in the evening are the main features of the Mahotsava.
Yugantar Bharati felt the need of drawing attention of people as well as the Government towards the problem of pollution and reduction in availability of water in river Subarnarekha as back as 2007. We observe Subarnarekha Mahotsava on the day of Makar Sakranti which falls on 12 to 14 January every year. The Subarnarekha Mahotsava celebration takes place simultaneously around at about 6 places on the bank of river Subarnarekha, the details of which are given ahead in this proposal. The Mahotsava will be organized at Ranichuwa, Nagri (origin point of river), Ranchi, Jonhha, Muri, Chandil and Jamsadhpur. On the day of Makkar Sankranti (14th January), a massive religious congregation takes in these five place. It is primarily aimed to pay respect to the river which provides the elixir of life. Now people are becoming more environment conscious. In river banks, we organize river worshiping and collective resolution to save the river in morning and cultural/ Seminar/ exhibitions in the evening are the main features of the Mahotsava. Subarnrekha Mahotsava at origin point of river Ranichuwa, Nagri 14 Km from Ranchi. The traditional of observing festival at the point of origin of Subarnrekha that is very old. Subarnrekha Mahotsava has assessed a new dimension to the old tradition observed at Nagri. The Main objective of the Mahotsava is too aware the civil society and the Government to save river Subarnarekha from pollution and its gradually shrinking water sources. Hundreds of people participate in the programme of Subarnarekha Mahotsava at different places the details of the programme given below. Various Government, non Government organization and people from cross seats of societies join the celebration.
- Subarnrekha will start on 12th January with sports, Debate and Painting for the student of different schools.
- 13th January the programme will continue with Kissan Mala (Farmer meet), water quality monitoring Training and cultural programme.
- 14th January, Worship of the river, Cultural programme, Prize Distribution and Grand Mela
- Puja at River Site / Spiritual Talk
- Competition for School Students (Painting/ Essay Competition)
- Rally (Shova Yattra) / Nukar Natak with the School Students
- Tree plantation in the river catchments with the help of Students
- Cleaning of River Bank.
- Cultural activities related to Environmental Protection.
- River Exploration.
- Exhibition