Yugantar Bharati


Yugantar Bharati Analytical and Environmental Engineering Laboratory is equipped with sufficient power resources to operate instruments and equipment safely for the testing.

Drinkingwater/ Groundwater/ Surfacewater & Waste Water Quality Monitoring
Colour Turbidity Odour
pH Dissolved Oxygen Biological Oxygen Demand
Free Carbon Phenoptheline Alkalinity Total Alkalinity
Total Solid Fixed and Volatile Solid Total Dissolved Solid
Total Suspended Solid Fluoride Nitrogen (Total)
Nitrogen (Ammonia) Nitrogen (Nitrate) Chemical Oxygen Demand
Acidity Alkalinity Total Hardness
Oil and Grease Total Residual chlorine Copper
Phenol Aluminium Sulphate
Calcium and Magnesium Carbonate & Bicarbonate

About us

Yugantar Bharati is a voluntary organization registered under Societies Registration Act-XII, 1860 as NGO. It is also incorporated U/S 12A, 80G & 35 AC of the Income Tax Act. We are the pioneer organisation in the field of Conservation of Natural Resources, Protection of Environment, Control of Pollution, Preservation of Biodiversity and Wildlife etc., in the state of Jharkhand. [ Read More.. ]

Contact us

Post Box No. 32
Namkom Post Office
Ranchi, Jharkhand - 834010


+91 9835195617

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