Agriculture and Food Safety Programme
Yugantar Bharati along with the local panchayat leaders of Namkum block, Ranchi and few other places is conducting practical experiment in the direction of assessing the ground realities on the basis of inputs from various sources. It is one of the recent environmental initiatives undertaken by Yugantar Bharati in the wide field of agriculture and food security with special thrust to environment manifestations both locally and globally.
Porduction of food grains, pulses, oilseeds and vegetables has increased in the last one decade. Yet the state has not achieved self sufficiency in food production needed to feed its above 30 million population. Its food import bill is a massive indrect burden over the state machinery delivery mechanism rubs additional salt to the injury resulting into a large number of rural people and unban poor here to live on scarse food availability and that too with lesser nutrient content.
To make the state sufficient in food items a serious initiative needs to be undertaken. A serious effort with regard to bring more and more cultivable land into irrigable category, to maximise the relatibely very low irrigation projects efficiency, to raise its land productivity level and to extend the dry land farming fractices up to optimum level. The pattern of existing land use patten also requires a fresh look.
Besides improving the food items production concerted efforts to remove the impurities, to get rid of substandard quantity productions and enhance its basic nutrient components in need of the time. Prevalent civic and industrial pollution including natural resources and increasing use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides in Jharkhand too impinges adversely upon the quaity of food production and livelihood of men and animal wealth. This danger looming large in this presective requires immediate control and appropriate intervention.
Not only production and productivity also the distribution of food items available for distribution in different schemes also needs to be analysed and supervised on public interest as wel as in the interest of state. A fresh look towards creation and/or strengthining an appropriate institutional mechanism and its suschronisition with the space of non government. Participation for meaningful implementation of proviso of recently passed food security bill and/or pre-existing regulations in need of the time.
Yugantar Bharati along with the local panchayat leaders of Namkom block and few other places es conducting practical experiment in this direction to assess the ground realities on the bases of inputs from various sources. It is one of the recent environmental initiatives undertaken by Yugantar Bharati is the wide field of agriculture and food security with special thrust environmental mainfestations locally and globally, associated with this aspects of economy.