Yugantar Bharati

Pradhushan Mukti Abhiyan

River Subernarekha, literally meaning line of gold, is the largest river in jharkhand which emerges in the state and directly merges into ocean thus qualifies the parameter of the "State River of Jharkhand". It originates at Rani Chuan in Nagri Block at a distance of about 15 Kms southwest from Ranchi, the state capital of jharkhand and merges into sea in the Bay of Bengal after traversing a distance of about 395 Kms in which 269 Kms is inside jharkhand.

Large no. of industries including heavy ones are set up on the bank of Subernarekha. Two major townships Ranchi and and Jamshedpur as well as a number of urban conglomerates and indusrial estates have thrived on and around its banks. The river is reeling under acute civic and industrial pollutions causing immense danger to its water wealth, aquatic world as well as citizenry.

In this background Yugantar Bharati took up the task to control and get the river free from the heavy load of civic and industrial pollution. It started a study cum awareness expedition from the origin point of the river up to its last point in Jharkhand before merging into sea. The journey began on June 3, 2006 under the banner of "Subernarekha Pradushan Mukti Abhiyan" and culminated on June 5, 2006 on the eve of the world environment day. On this occasion a seminar was organised in the Jamshedpur chamber of commerce and industries hall in which experiences of the Subernarekha study cum awareness yatra was shared with the people

The study cum awareness tour was accompanied with a team of qualified scientists and environmental experts of national and international fame such as Prof. R K Sinha, better acknowledge globally as the Dolphin man, Dr. Gopal Sharma, at present regional in hare of ZSI, Govt. of India, prof M K Jamuar of deptt. of Environment, Ranchi University and Dr. K K Sharma, HOD, Zoology deptt., Cooperative college, Jamshedpur. A mobile environmental laboratory also accompanied with the tour and the scientists and the experts associated with the tour tested the load of civic and industrial pollution at relevant points across the length and breadth of the river. The team of experts also collected the samples of water, sediments and aquatic flora & fauna at different points. These samples were later get tested in Qualified laboratory by Yugantar Bharati management. On the basis of the test results assessment of different types of pollutants including heavy elements and hazardous wastes were made by the expert team.

Since then every year samples of water, sediment,flora and fauna are collected from fixed points in Subernarekha an got tested and analysed in the environmental analytical laboratory of Yugantar Bharati run by School of Ecology and Environmental Management (SEEM). The concerned govt. departments and other institutions are made aware with the results of the analysis. Yugantar Bharati promptly intervenes whenever it gets any information about the unlawful industrial affluents discharges in the river by industries

About us

Yugantar Bharati is a voluntary organization registered under Societies Registration Act-XII, 1860 as NGO. It is also incorporated U/S 12A, 80G & 35 AC of the Income Tax Act. We are the pioneer organisation in the field of Conservation of Natural Resources, Protection of Environment, Control of Pollution, Preservation of Biodiversity and Wildlife etc., in the state of Jharkhand. [ Read More.. ]

Contact us

Post Box No. 32
Namkom Post Office
Ranchi, Jharkhand - 834010


+91 9835195617

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